Our Vows

The essential characteristic of Religious life is the three vows or evangelical counsels. The vows (temporary or perpetual) are the way or means by which a Religious Brother deliberately and freely dedicates his life to God and the Church by making a solemn promise. All Religious men and women publicly profess three vows: Chastity, Poverty and Obedience. By professing these vows, a Brother chooses a radical way of following Jesus more closely, dedicating his whole life to God.

The Vow of Chastity

Celibate Chastity (the state of being unmarried or not in a sexual relationship) makes sense only when it is grounded in the spiritual life and expressed as a gift to God through the Church and to the world. Only when our life of faith and relationship with Jesus is at the center of who we are as Brothers, can celibate chastity make any sense.

The Vow of Poverty

The vow of poverty is not about living in a state of poverty. It’s about making a choice as Brothers not to clutter our lives with material things. Material possessions are good in themselves, however they can stifle the freedom required to make a radical response to the Gospel and be available as disciples of Jesus.

The Vow of Obedience

As Brothers, our love for God and desire to listen attentively to where God is calling us involves listening and dialogue with our congregational leaders. Our saying “Yes” like Mary to becoming a Brother is an up-front choice and an act of obedience to freely put our lives and talents at the service of the Institute, going wherever we are sent.